Monday, January 23, 2017

Fingerless gloves easy knitting pattern :)

I only knit in the winter :)  Why?  I'm not sure, maybe just because the things I make are wintery.  At any rate, between last winter and this winter several pair of wrist warmers (like  fingerless gloves, I guess) have been lost, so I'm knitting up some more :)  I don't really follow a written pattern, but basically do the same type thing on this easy pattern.  Sometimes I make a picture on them (just drawing it out on graph paper).

I'll share my easy knitting pattern with you in case anyone wants to give it a try!

This is knit on double pointed needles, size 6.  You could use circulars, but I just don't like them :) (I 've never gotten the hang of them!!)

You've probably figured out by now that I'm not some great be encouraged!!  This is easy!!!  :)

Key:  k=knit p=purl

Cast on 24 stitches, 8 on each of 3 double pointed needles.

K4 P4 and keep going till you have your cuff the length you wish. I like a cuff of about 3 1/2 inches.

Switch over to all knitting for another 2 inches or so.  I usually try it on and make sure it's at the base of my thumb.

Here's where it seems weird, but is easy.  I don't know if this a thing that real knitters do or not :) but it works for me ;)  basically here, you will do this:

K 1 row, then after the 3rd needle, flip the direction and P 1 row (so it's kind of like you're going backwards).  Then when you get back to your start point, flip it right way and K another row, then flip and purl back, and so on.  Do this till you have done :
Row 1 knit
Row 2 purl back to the start
Row 3 knit
Row 4 purl back to the start
Row 5 knit
Row 6 purl back to the start.

This weirdness will give you this nice thumb hole:

After this, K 4 rows all around, the regular way.  Then it's time for more ribbing, so do 4 more rows of K4 P4 ... and then you can cast off and decide to do a thumb or not :)

To make the thumb, I just pick up 16 stitches onto 3 double pointed needles and knit around for 4 or 5 rows, then switch to the K4P4 pattern for 3 rows and then cast off!

Don't forget to finish off your project by nicely weaving in your yarn ends!

Some members of my family like them with thumbs, some without.  Here's how they look in both instances.

I hope these instructions are clear!  If you have questions, please ask!  :)


  1. These are so cute! I haven't graduated from knitting with the loom yet, but that's one of the projects I'm going to be working on over the next few months. Thanks for sharing!

  2. oh cute! I haven't knitted in so long, I'm not sure I remember how, but I've been meaning to pick it up again. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. now to add the cap for those extra cold days. :)
