Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Making an easy backyard campfire ring

We moved into a new house this spring and one of the things we can do here is make a backyard campfire! So much family fun.

We wanted to make a ring to contain the ashes and fire, so we made a quick and easy one...for FREE!  

Here's what we did:

1) find someone giving away bricks/pavers for free (thank you marketplace!) and get yourself some bricks!

2) level out a spot in your backyard where you intend to make the fire circle.

3) lay bricks down flat to make a little floor area

4) lay one layer of bricks on top of that floor in the outline of a circle

5) lay another layer on top, offsetting the bricks

6) repeat with as many layers as you'd like

7) enjoy your campfire!! :) 

My son actually made was SOOOO easy and we have been enjoying it immensely!

(DEFINITELY find out about your local regulations about backyard fires....don't want to do anything illegal!)

Another campfire hint is to have a 5-gallon bucket of water nearby in case you need to put the fire out (or be sure you have a water source)

Be responsible about your fire...don't let it get out of hand--be cautious of when you make the fire (wind/dry conditions may cause you to wait for better conditions) etc. Basically be a responsible human!


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