This book, The Icecutter's Daughter by Tracie Peterson looks, upon first glance, like a nice Christian romance book. And. . .it is!! :) This is a book you'll want to read right through; it's sweet and interesting with strong characters.
Merrill (the icecutter's daughter) lives with her brothers and widowed father, caring for them along with helping on the farm and with other tasks (cutting ice!) She is not frilly or feminine, though a part of her wishes for a family of her own. Rurick, the male lead character, is a man who has relocated to help an ill and elderly uncle run his furniture-making shop. Before he leaves his home, however, events begin to move that will follow him and haunt him in his new home. There are some other interesting people in the story, some who are troublemakers and others who are peacemakers.
Being a romance. . .yup, they fall in love. There are HUGE obstacles which I will not tell you about, you have to read the book, but suffice it to say that in the end, it's a happy ending. . .for all. I know, I know, life doesn't always end in a happy ending, but I sure do like a book that does!
So -- would I recommend this book? Yes! It makes a nice light read. There are characters with good values and Christian principles. AND the book is entertaining!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.
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