Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for this review, however I was not required to write a positive review.
Having lived in Ohio for a few years, I knew about OSU Football coach Jim Tressel and his Christian witness. I knew this book by him would be a big hit with my husband; honestly I think it would be a great book for any man, football fan or not.
The book is a nice compact size with a sturdy cover and heavy pages. The book is set up with each set of two pages having the same pattern: one page lists Scripture verses (and writes them out) and the facing page has a little devotional relating to those verses. They are a compilation of other people's writings (ranging from Mother Teresa to Winston Churchill to Ann Landers, etc.) and Tressel's own as well. They are on topics that relate to all of us, such as selflessness, hope, gratitude, work, humility, teamwork, and many others.
I enjoyed this book as will my husband. I think it would be a wonderful book to use as a daily reading, not necessarily as a devotional, but as a re-direct during the day to send you easily to Scripture. The writings are clear, concise, and uplifting. I also think it would be a great gift, easy and quick to read in little segments.
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