Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Squash Soup -- so easy!

Here's another family favorite for cold winter days...squash soup!  

There are lots of variations on this recipe, different seasonings, etc. but at the base it's the same:  squash and chicken or vegetable stock.  That's it...and then you personalize it! 

Here's how I make it:

1.  cut your squash (winter squash--the one in the pic is a butternut...but you can use other favorite storage squashes--I've used hubbards and buttercups as well) in half or in workable pieces  [if you have a big hubbard you might have several pieces to allow you to fit it into a baking dish/dishes :) ]

2.  bake in oven for an hour or so until it is soft

3.  Allow to cool a bit and then remove the flesh from the skin (the picture below was when I didn't allow it to I had to use more tools than normal, haha! :) ) Usually I just use a spoon.

4.  Put the squash flesh into your blender (whatever style you happen to have!) -- I like to fill it up about 2/3 or more with squash and then add chicken stock to fill it up to the fill line.  I add salt and pepper at this stage, and a little worcestershire sauce and often some Italian herb paste (really, add whatever you want!  Garlic is great in it too!)

5.  Blend it up!  Pour it into a large saucepan and repeat until all of your squash is blended.

6.  Heat until it's the temperature at which you would like to serve it!  Taste it to see if it has enough seasonings, and feel free to add more if you'd like.  **sometimes I've added a little cream, too, if I have gives it a more velvety feel and yummmm...  :) 

7.  Enjoy!  We like to eat this with sourdough bread :)

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