Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Cutting cherry tomatoes!

I just made a recipe that was SO delicious--and it used cherry tomatoes, sliced in half.  I know that lots of summer recipes, salads, and more use sliced cherry tomatoes - but it takes so long!!  A few years someone told me a way to slice cherry tomatoes, but I was skeptical...and then I tried it this past week (with grape tomatoes actually) -- and it was SO EASY!!!

It's not earth-shattering, but it IS a little time- and frustration-saver!

1) Place your (washed!!) cherry tomatoes on a cutting board or flat surface

2)Place a plate on top of the tomatoes, pressing slightly to hold them in place

3) Get a long serrated knife out (length longer than the diameter of your plate -- if you don't have as long a knife, just use a smaller plate!!)

4) While pressing downward on the plate, hold the knife so that the blade is parallel to the plate/counter and slice smoothly through the sides of the tomatoes, all the way through to the other side!

5) Pick up your plate and be happy that your tomatoes are halved so nicely!

Yay! So quick and easy--now use in your intended recipe :) 

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