A is for Adam is a multi-purpose book. It has a neat format, a stand-up "easel" style book with spiral binding, which enables the parent/teacher to look at/read the information from one side while the child/children view the pictures on the other side. There are lessons all through the alphabet, from A to Z, teaching the Gospel based on lessons from the book of Genesis. The parent side of the page lists things about what to teach on that topic, what to discuss, what the child needs to remember from that page, extra activities/stuff to do (related things to do that will enhance/expand the topic), and "quick review" questions at the end.
After all of the letters of the alphabet have been moved through, the second section in the book is a more in-depth investigation of the topics. More teaching, discussion starters, and a "core truth takeaway" which summarizes what the child/children should be learning/retaining from this lesson.
I can see many uses for this book. When I first saw it, my thought was to use it in a Sunday School/children's church setting. The different depths of coverage would allow it to be used with a wide range of ages. The pictures are colorful and eye-catching and certainly are appropriate for each topic. After going through it further I can see its use as a homeschool tool, or even just as a reading/talking tool to use with your kids. How about an after-dinner read/discuss? Lots of possibilities.
As I had this book sitting out waiting for me to read it, my 7 year old picked it up and started reading through it (looking at the pictures and the text too) and she asked if we could use it for devotions--another great way to use it!
This book is creation-oriented, full of Biblical truth. Lots of Scripture references for reinforcement and further study. I think it is a great addition to any family with children; it would also be a great purchase for a Sunday School or Children's Church curriculum coordinator--either to use as a series or just as an easy option for a substitute teacher (it's that user-friendly!)
I'd recommend this book for sure!
I received a free copy of this book to review from New Leaf Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review.
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