Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11 (and accompanying tests) -- my REVIEW

We have done some heavy-duty grammar programs over the years, and now that my kids are in high school, I do not want to let that slip away, though I also do not feel it is super-necessary to learn/drill at the same level that they have done in younger grades. We have used Easy Grammar Systems products in the past, and I was happy to get to use and write a review on the Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11.

My daughter is actually in tenth grade, but it is no problem absolutely for her to be using the 11th grade book.  The way that this Ultimate series is set up is there is a "Teacher Edition," which is actually just the masters for each lesson (in the first part of the book) followed by a section of the answers. If you are using this in a classroom or larger group you may want to photocopy them, but for our homeschool use, we just use this one book as the student book--she writes in the pages of the book and then I can use the keys in the back to check her work and help her with corrections.  

The book is set up in a series of 180 days, one on each page. In our case I have my daughter read the rules to herself to refresh/remind her of them and to then do the folowing exercises. If it is a new or confusing topic, she often asks me for clarification.  Usually the rules/topics covered are things she has learned in the past and is now just being reminded of. The exercises give her practice in utilizing the rules in the correct manner.

Each lesson/day is only one page, it is easy to complete, and it works well for us to do one page per day. Not a  huge time commitment, but great practice with grammar rules. No forgetting allowed here!! :)  (we hope!)

After every ten days, there is an "assessment" which you may choose to give your student, to see how they are progressing or to highlight any points which need clarification.  The test book is a separate book, and it is laid out with the test on one side of the open book and the answers on the other side of the book.  You may choose to tear out the pages, so that your student is not tempted to look at the answer side while they are completing the test, or (as we do) just fold it over halfway and trust your student (or watch them, haha!) to not check the answers.  The format makes it really easy for the parent/teacher to correct and grade the student's work.

We really like this system of learning/reviewing for the high school years. I have and will continue to recommend the Easy Grammar Ultimate Series for this purpose. I DO believe that correct grammar is ultra-important (we have these talks once in awhile with my teens...especially when they balk at doing their grammar, haha!) Whether it is right or not, having poor grammar will reflect itself in people's impressions of you...and it's a shame for someone to be underestimated or undervalued simply because they are using improper grammar...but it happens.  A grammar-heavy elementary school program shouldn't be scrapped as soon as high school begins--these reminders are very important for their speaking as well as writing.  I think that the once-a-day, short lesson approach of Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11  is a great way to ensure that your student isn't forgetting important points of grammar.

I definitely recommend this product from Easy Grammar. It is very reasonable priced, as well, so that's a plus too :) If you'd like to read some thoughts by others who used this product or another level (or the Daily Grams -- I like that too!)  please click on the banner below and then read others' reviews!

Easy Grammar, Daily GRAMS & Easy Grammar Ultimate {Easy Grammar Systems Reviews}

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