This is a review of the book Advice for Seekers by Charles H Spurgeon, originally published back in 1896 (4 years after his death, incidentally). This publication is by Attic Books (http://www.nlpg.com/imprint/attic-books/), which is a segment of New Leaf Publishing.
When I received the book, I was all prepared to dislike it due to its cheesy look. The cover looks really fake-y like it's pretending to be an old book, and the pages, which look torn out kind of (here's a picture:
which truthfully, I think looks pretty stupid and distracting.
Add to this the old language, which reads kind of like King James version . . . Yup, I was prepared to dislike it, just from these superficial things.
Well, then I began reading it -- and once I got into the pattern of reading the old time writing style, I began to enjoy it! Really surprised myself on that one!!
The book is a series of messages by Spurgeon, aimed at people who are not yet believers in Christ but are searching for the Truth. As I was reading through it, struck by the deep truths that are presented in such a friendly manner, I was thinking that I wished the language was updated so that it would be an attractive, easy book for a nonbeliever to read. However, I suppose that someone who is truly seeking might not be put off by the language and plow through to see the wisdom.
I would also recommend this book for a believer in Christ. It is an encouragement and a reminder of the truths found in the Word of God regarding salvation, security, sin, and more.
So -- though I originally thought I'd not like this book, turns out that I do! I would recommend it, but understand that you'll have to get into the rhythm of reading the old-sounding writing.
I received a free copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Company for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.