Sunday, January 3, 2021

Math tips...simple one variable equations

 Okay, are you one of those people who are afraid of algebra? Let me burst your bubble...I think you know a LOT of algebra...and for those who told you that you'd never use algebra in your daily life...they were WRONG!!

Hear me's an example from life! :) 

So right? You have 5 tide pods and you know that you'll need two next Monday to wash the weekend many can you use up this week? You just figure that naturally in your head, but guess're doing algebra!! :) Yay! Great job! You decide that if you start with five and need two left, you can use (5-2) three this week!

If for some reason you'd like to see how this one plays out algebraically, or as I tell my students, to write out every single step! ... you are solving for x, so:
So there you have it, solving for a single variable.

Yay, algebra! :) 

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