One of the favorite annual things I remember as a child was the annual missionary conference at our church. I loved to hear the stories that the missionaries told and to see the exotic things that they brought back with them. I haven't been to a missions conference like that for years...are they even still a "thing"? The most recent book I received for review, Venturing With God in Congo by Darrell Champlin, published by Conjurske Publications, takes me back to those missionary stories I used to love.
Darrell Champlin and his wife were missionaries for years, first in Congo (as a matter of fact, his wife, Louise, grew up on the mission field there) and then later as they were forced out of Congo, in Suriname in South America.
This book Venturing With God in Congo, is a collection of short stories that Darrell Champlin wrote to recount different events in their lives as missionaries in Africa. There are stories of killing a rogue elephant, of encountering a witch doctor who opposed them, of a giant python (and lots more stories of other snakes!) , of ways in which peoples' lives turned to Christ. The chapters invariably end with a summarizing word of Scripture, which illustrates God's great care for their family and ministry, such as "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night," says our God in Psalm 91:5 coupled with verse 10: "There shall no evil befall thee." His angels did indeed "keep us in all our ways" (verse 11).
The stories are very colorful (in words!) and will keep the reader begging for more. The stories are of a time and situation which we can hardly imagine nowadays. God's working through these men and women is very obvious and encouraging. Not every story has a "happy" ending, but the Champlins saw God's hand throughout.
The book itself is a hardcover, sturdy book, with an intriguing illustration on the front which hints of some of the adventures found within the pages. It is illustrated with black silhouette drawings as well as some rudimentary maps, timelines, family tree, and more. There is also a photo album section in the center of the book which shows some amazing sights such as the elephant that had plagued the village and area. I think the photos really give a more "real" feel to the book (I know it's real, I just meant that it gives you such a "he was there!" feel).

I highly recommend this book. I loved reading it and my daughter is beginning to read it as well. It is a great book to read aloud or silently--it would be a really great one to read as a family or a group, or just by yourself! I am so thankful for the lives that the Champlins and their co-workers have led, thankful for their examples of faith and obedience and of preaching the Gospel to those in need of it.
If you'd like to see where to get this book, please follow this link. If you'd like to hear what other folks have to say about the book, please feel free to click on the link below and read their reviews!
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