Have you seen any of these videos before? Maybe in a Sunday School class or youth group setting? These are actually great tools to use in a homeschool setting as well--especially with the accompanying study guide which comes with each set of DVDs. I'd bet that many of you are familiar with this series, but in case you're not, here's a little explanation!
Funny host
Educated host
Educational host
Awesome vehicles (and a sailboat!)
Geographical terms
Scripture explained
Scripture illustrated
Scriptural enlightenments
Corny jokes :)
Haha! Seriously :) Want a little more explanation? Well...there's this guy named Dave Stotts, who explores an area of the world, explains about it, teaches some of the history of the area, and throws in a few jokes and interesting trivia (oh, and some dance moves! -- see episode 16 if you didn't catch those).
This series of videos is entitled Drive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation" and Dave visits many different locations which are featured in the New Testament of the Bible (beyond the Gospels). He visits many different locations which, if you have read the Bible much, might sound very familiar to you. There are locations like Patmos, Rome, Cyprus, Turkey, and more. Dave visits an area and talks to the viewer about what it looks like now (full of great scenes of the middle east), what it looked like in the first centuries AD (models/reconstructions of what it may have looked like a couple of thousand years ago), archaeological finds (many of which he ties in to "proofs" or illustrations of things that are mentioned in the New Testament), what was happening there in the times of Paul and the early Christian church (Nero, prisoners on Patmos, the Jerusalem Council, Roman power, cruelty, and more). The places which he highlights are those which are settings for New Testament writings or experiences (he explores the cave in which John is said to have had his visions in which are recorded in Revelation!). Extrabiblical theories, historical writings, and other suggestions are explored and encouraged or debated. Scripture is quoted, explained, and often personalized.
Sounds pretty educational, doesn't it? Well, to enhance that educational aspect, there is a study guide which is included with the DVDs (and by included with--I mean it's actually built into the DVD case, which is brilliant--unless you lose the DVDs you will not misplace this guide!) The study guide has a summary of each lesson, artwork/photos from the lesson, discussion questions (the answers are in the back!), "side roads" which are little extra information with a verse that works into the lesson, and references of related Bible passages to check out.

I did say it is educational, right? Well, don't let that deceive you! My kids (teenagers--14 and 16) enjoy this series and frankly are just watching them for "fun" -- they find them entertaining and interesting. Hey, I'm not going to discourage that! Actually they were so interested in them that they got my husband watching them and he wants to watch the whole series as well.
So yes, they are great lessons from an educational viewpoint, and even just for fun (really!) but do you know what I think is one of the greatest things that one will get out of this series rive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation" ? When you are familiar with the physical/geographical settings and cognizant of what was going on historically at the time periods of the early church, it really enhances your Bible reading and even your ability to pay attention and learn more from sermons and lessons. Think about this...you are are reading a Scripture passage and come across a reference to Patmos. If you have watched the lesson on John at Patmos, you will know about that volcanic island (and maybe chuckle as you remember some of the volcano jokes!) and the prisoner colony and the reason John was there and more! This will flash back to you and you will have this background understanding as you listen to the message which the preacher is sharing with the congregation. You will be more personally involved and may find a fuller understanding.
We enjoy this DVD series (oh, did I mention that there are three DVDs, containing eighteen episodes in all) and think that you would as well. It's beautifully professionally done and I highly recommend it. (Oh, you know what else I forgot to mention? He also points people toward the Bible (at the end of the episode it reminds folks that even though this is good information, it is no substitute for reading the Scripture itself). So...give them a try! You might find a new favorite series!
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