I recently received the book The Nourished Kitchen by Jennifer McGruther for review purposes -- and it's an instant hit, not only with me, but with the whole family!!
I am totally the demographic that this book was written for -- we try to eat mostly "whole" foods, local foods, grow our own garden, raise our own meat (chicken/turkey/rabbit) and harvest wild meat in season (duck/deer/fish), drink raw milk from a local organic farm that we volunteer on. . .
First off -- superficially :) -- this book is gorgeous. The cover alone will draw you in! The photos of the prepared recipes are enticing and the narrative that goes along with each recipe is a great explanation/encouragement about the benefits of that dish.
The recipes -- yummmm!! I have to tell you that my children have been looking through this book and they have actually already made a couple of items from this book! My 14 yr old daughter made the puff pancake and the buttered spinach for our dinner yesterday (here's a picture!)

and then tonight my 12 yr old son made the buttermilk herb dressing for our salad -- each of them looked through the book on their own and asked if they could try some of the recipes!
There are many things in this book that I had been wanting to learn to make -- things like kefir (if I can find a starter culture somewhere!) and yogurt! fermented stuff (sauerkraut of course, but swiss chard stems?! definitely to try this year!) Breads, cheeses, desserts, meats, SO many recipes -- and not just that, but also narratives speaking to why certain ingredients are good for you to use/eat and just info about many of the foods and their ingredients!
Am I gushing too much? :) Really, this book is great. It has given me tons of ideas as well as explanations -- a great resource for our family. It's beautiful and well-written. I DEFINITELY recommend this book!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review. I just loved the book!! Buy it! Enjoy it!! :)