Do you have young sons? This book may inspire you to pray for them in distinctive ways! The book Praying for Boys by Brooke McGlothlin is subtitled Asking God for the Things They Need Most. The author reminds us that boys are different than girls in many ways and encourages moms to celebrate their spirits.
The book is a series of short chapters--2 or 3 pages, then a series of Scriptures with a _________ for your son's name to help you pray Scripture for your son. The chapters end with questions "for reflection or discussion."
I think that anything that encourages/reminds you to pray for your children is a good reminder! I do have a son, and he is definitely unique from his sisters and stretches us all in certain ways ;) and enhances our family life for sure!
The author of this book has two sons, aged 7 and 5. I think her prayer suggestions and discussion topics and ideas that she covers are sweet and valid.
The book seems geared toward moms of younger kids (which makes sense I suppose, good prayer habits should begin early!) I have a son who is a young teen--I think many of the narratives in this book are a bit simplistic at this point for us. However, the Scriptures are a great thing to refer to and use, for example, "May ________________ taste the goodness of your Word (Hebrews 6:5)" I think that these were the most valuable part of the book for me. If I had younger kids, I'd probably appreciate this book a little more.
The book would be great for a small group or Bible study of moms of young boys.
I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.
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