SAT & College Preparation Course for the Christian Student is a book I just received from Master Books for the purpose of this review. I do not yet have high school aged children, yet I was curious to take a look at it from a homeschooling perspective. I found this book to be a very thorough and long-term course for preparing to take the SAT. It lays out a schedule for using the book in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades, on a 3-year schedule. There are alternate schedules for use if only using for two or one years as well.
The daily lessons include a devotion, vocabulary exercises, reading, problem solving, math problems, essay questions, critical thinking. . .done on a daily basis to introduce material, but more importantly to get the student used to working with these kinds of problems and thinking along these lines.
This book was so different than what I have seen before as far as SAT-prep books go. It is a longer-term, much less intense preparation, and the devotion and devotional journal sections seem to focus the student on the Lord, and serve as a reminder of His part in all of this. The book also includes such helpful things as test-taking strategies, what to do the actual day of the test, book list, and much more. I will certainly be keeping this book for when my children enter high school.
I’m not honestly sure how “academically” prepared this book will help a student become, but I do see how going through it would calm his/her spirit regarding taking the actual test. I would certainly recommend this book. It will be a helpful addition to our homeschool life, and it is definitely a great resource for students in traditional school as well!
I received a free copy of this book from Master Books publisher in exchange for my honest review of it. I was not required to write a positive review.
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