Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew
Do your children like to play learning computer games? Some kids (and adults) get so involved in games that they happily run through review or learning activities without realizing how much learning or review they are doing. The game that I was able to review this past few weeks is called Baggin' the Dragon Maths Online and it is a math game produced by EdAlive.
Okay, first of all--let me address the terminology "maths." How have I made it this far in my life without realizing that people in the US call mathematics "math" and those elsewhere (England, Australia, etc) use the term "maths"! I guess it makes sense, as mathematics is a plural word...thus maths, I suppose! At any rate, that is just peripheral :) Read on to hear about this fun math/maths program!
The age recommendations for math game are from ages 5-15+. The range of math topic is enormous, including topics such as numeration, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, chance, patterns and algebra, data, measurement, and space and geometry. I also noticed questions which I would classify as reasoning, logic, direction, and more. They are primarily word problems, which, frankly I think are fun (I'm weird that way) but I know that many students are afraid of that type of problem, or if not "afraid" maybe they are not as confident in them.
The game itself is played like a roll-the-dice and move your marker, with the twist of not just moving directly around the game board but also aiming to capture swords, which are "courage"--as the entire premise of the game is to defeat the dragon (Baggin' the Dragon).
Other points are earned by answering math problems correctly, these are tabulated as "strength". At the end of the game (you can watch your progress as they tell you how many rounds are left) your courage and strength are added up and you will go fight the dragon.

I went ahead and played an entire game through to the ending because if I had young kids I would probably be concerned about what they were to do to the dragon at the end of the game. As the board game portion ends, the scores are added up and the "fight" begins--it is just an animated movie type thing--with plenty of fireballs and fiery dragon breath until the soldier with the sword (presumably the player) throws a weapon with a spiky ball on two ends and a chain in the middle that wraps around the dragon's wings and it plummets to the ground, sinking head-first into a brick floor...the soldier puts leg irons on the dragon and in the ending scenes the soldier relaxes in a hammock, holding a piece of bread on the end of a sword while the dragon lays nearby, toasting the bread with its breath. ANYHOW--maybe that was long and unnecesary to some of you guys, but I would probably want to know that before I had my little child work through to the end :)
There is also a non-game method to use it, where the student can just do the questions without working through the gameboard and waiting your turn. The questions are the same, you just run through them.
Questions are very engaging, each with an illustration and little story. The variety is incredible. The questions are chosen from a pool based upon your correct performance on other questions. This way someone in algebra 2 is not being quizzed on simple addition or subtraction. I don't know how they do it, but it is great!
I'd like to show you a few shots of the questions so you can see what I mean. Even when it is just a simple word problem, how much more fun is it to do it with a theme/story?
Upon successful completion of the question, a big "correct" word shows up; if it is incorrect the student gets one more attempt before the correct answer is given.
From the parent side, it is great, because at the end of the game, a list of questions is shown (clickable) and the missed questions can be attempted or explained again:
The other tool the parent might be interested in is a grand compilation of the student's work--showing on a chart which skills were attempted and successful (and which need more work--based on the color)
Basically--I love this game! It is so fun (for a math lover like me haha!). I really think it would be a super fun way to review math problems--and it shuffles topics so much that it is really a review of all skills. I highly recommend this app,
Baggin' the Dragon Maths Online by
EdAlive. I think it will encourage students to work on math and if my kids were younger I would probably use it as a "reward" such that if you do xyz you will get to play X number of minutes on Baggin' the Dragon! It's a win-win.
Highly recommended.
(my 16 year old daughter tried it out and liked it as well!)
EdAlive has a few other programs which were reviewed by the Review Crew as well, so if you'd like to see folks' thoughts on the program I reviewed as well as on the Volcanic Panic Reading Success Online and Words Rock Online, please click on the image link below!