Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew
One of my daughter's favorite series of books is a YWAM series by Janet and Geoff Benge. We were given the opportunity to read and review another book by these same authors--Douglas MacArthur: What Greater Honor in the series Heroes of History by YWAM Publishing.

This book, as the others in the series, is a biography of a "Hero." This book is about Douglas MacArthur, who we usually already do note as a hero. Throughout the book the reader is brought to an understanding of MacArthur--a better understanding than just reading a paragraph or two in a history book. The reader finds out about MacArthur's life from childhood to adulthood (and to death); we learn that he was involved in a military for his entire life--from having a father in the military to going to military school to acceptance and attendance (and hazing!) at West Point and finally in the service of his country. We also learn that his mother was a helicopter parent! :) There are many details about his life--for instance, did you know that Douglas MacArthur was rejected twice, two years in a row, from West Point due to a medical issue (curvature of the spine) which he finally conquered, thanks to exercises and strengthening?
This book, as with the others in the series, is an easy read--and a great read-aloud! Although my kids are too old for read-alouds now (they do enjoy audiobooks, but not necessarily me reading them a book!) books in this series and others by the Benges have been enjoyed by our family for years.
One of the things that the books in this series do is help the reader identify with the subject of the biography and see them as a real person. We all know that MacArthur was a brilliant military leader and tactical planner, but how many of us know about his background and how he grew into the man that he became?
This book, alone as a book to read solo or aloud with a group or family, is an enjoyable learning experience. However, there is more to this book that may appeal to a homeschooling family!
Along with this book is a Unit Study prepared by YWAM Publishers which gives activities and exercises which expand this from just a book to read to an entire unit study which can last as long as you wish. The unit study is a handy pdf download and features things like chapter questions (and there is also a section written for parents about how to grade these and what expectations to have for these, such as writing answers in a full sentence).
There are hands-on project suggestions ranging from things like creating relief maps to learning about Filipino cuisine (you will learn about MacArthur's affinity for the Philippines).There are recommendations for listening to some of MacArthur's speeches; for creating a PowerPoint of different parts of MacArthur's life, and for doing arts and crafts projects like crafting a kimono.
There are field trip ideas and tips for processing those things learned and experienced on field trips. There are vocabulary lists and geography activities.
Basically the unit study is full of an enormous amount of ideas that you can use to expand this from a book about Douglas MacArthur to a large learning experience jumping out from the book and expanding into different areas of learning.
Some families may choose to enjoy the book as a read-aloud, to learn more about this hero from history while others may dive in and spend a month learning around his life story--it's up to you!
I would recommend this book and this series--even though it is written for kids, it is actually enjoyable for adults as well! My daughter (16) who also read this book noted that she was surprised that there was little mention of faith in the book--many of the other Heroes of History that she has read have featured the primary character's belief in God, but this one did not seem to; so that's something to note. We would still recommend it.
You can read more reviews of books like this one, including reviews of different books in this series by clicking on the link below: