Taste and See by John Piper is a series of "125 Daily Meditations" and is subtitled "Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life." I am very excited about this book. I have read bits and pieces throughout it and am planning to read it daily (as intended). Each of the daily writings is 2-3 pages long and on a certain topic. The little chapter devotions/meditations are Scripturally based and easy to read and understand. I will say don't get put off by the first one :) For some reason that one sounds very academic, filled with words you have to think about to understand the meaning...at least for me. I felt that the first daily reding did not "flow" in the reading sense. (entitled "The Exuberant Omnipotence of God). However, the following days' writings felt more readable and easier to understand to me.
Examples of daily reading titles include: "Can Joy Increase Forever?" "They Gave It Their Best Shot In Vain" "Take Heed How You Hear" "Ten Reasons to Love the Truth" and so on.
I would recommend this book. I am planning to add it to my daily devotional time and I believe my husband might be planning to also. Superficially it is a nice-looking book as well :) I think it would be a very appropriate gift for folks of many different "religios" interests.
For more info about the author John Piper, click here and for further info about the book, click here.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.