I just finished reading "Death by the Book" by Julianna Deering. It was not a book I really enjoyed -- I'm a busy mom and like to read but I felt like this book moved along so slowly that I didn't really look forward to having time to read it.
The book is set in (?? not sure, early 20th century maybe??) England and the main characters are folks who seem to live lives of leisure, interspersed with privately investigating crimes. Drew (the main character) has some kind of an "in" with the local police and is key in investigating mysterious murders all around him. He is also waiting for a "yes" to marriage from his love, and is trying to win over her aunt. Multiple murders occur and the police and Drew gather clues to try to figure out who is the killer. The end is kind of odd, but resolved.
I felt that this book was very dry and stilted, and sloooowww moving. I would not really recommend it. It did not have objectionabe parts, just very blah (basically not my style). If you look at other reviews of this book it appears that a lot of people really enjoyed this book, so I'm guessing it's just a case of it's not my type of book. Maybe it is yours :)
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.