I began reading the book, A Stillness of Chimes by Meg Mosely primarily because of the title. It sounded very. . .surreal, or maybe just quirky. Though the title didn't really seem to personify the story, I'm still glad I read it.
The book revolves around sadness and mystery and some love. Laura has "come home" because of the sad situation of her mother's death and the need to take care of her property. Even at the beginning of the story there are rumors going around town about her father being sighted around the area (her father who died when she was a young girl). Her old boyfriend (who her father was a kind of mentor to) still lives in the area as do many of her childhood friends and associates. The rumors bring up hopes in Laura that perhaps her dad IS still alive, hiding out.
This is a story that you need to read without me giving away too many details. The details and different characters are scattered throughout the book and some are meaningful and others not that much. Some of them are anticipated, others quite a surprise.
So -- did I like it? Yes, pretty much. It was a bit hard to get into, because it was kind of like you just fell into it, but then the story caught you up. As far as pace -- it was a little slow, but it was not toooooooo slow. Ending? The ending was happy-ish, so I liked that :) Predictability? Yes, pretty predictable (but I like that too). Religious? Not too. I thought it was a Christian fiction book, but I don't think it was very Christian-y. It was not objectionable, however. A nice clean read.
Would I recommend it? Yes, if you're looking for an entertaining, not too quick read. I thought it was a nice story.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.