Yes!! A great book! (after my last loooonnnggg and disliked book that I read for review (here)) I was SO happy to start into this great Christian fiction book It Had to be You by Susan May Warren.
This book is a wonderfully enjoyable read, with many dimensions -- it follows two major characters through several different plot strands. It is a romance, but not just that. Also touched upon in the book are themes of hope and grace, redemption, letting go, boldness, and faith.
The story follows Eden, a daughter who doesn't see her own potential as herself, one who wants to do right, but is afraid of being hurt. She is the big sister to a hockey star who she tries to take care of and keep out of trouble. She is an obituary writer who longs to write feature articles. Her place in her family is sort of as an observer, or, in her own words, a cheerleader. Other main characters are Jace, a professional hockey player; Sam, a dad and restaurant owner; "John Doe," who is. . .well, an unknown; Owen, Eden's brother; and many others.
I don't want to give you much more information, because it is a really great sweet strong story. I highly recommend it! :) You will want to read and read and read it! (you may stay up much later than you had planned to, just so that you can finish the book, as I did!) :)
I was not familiar with Susan May Warren and her books (here is a pic of her, shared by Tyndale Publisher)

I would certainly recommend this book! It is an easy, fun read; problems are resolved, and it has a happy ending. :) Just what I like to read! :)
I received a copy of this book from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for my review of this book. I was not required to write a positive review.
Here's a link to a Q&A with the author regarding this book, in case you'd like to check it out. (here)
Thank you to Tyndale Blog Network for the opportunity to read and review this book!!