Stones for Bread by Christa Parrish is a very interesting read. The heart of the story is very moving, and it is told in a style that makes your brain work a little :) Liesl (the main character) is a woman whose passion in life is bread. She is an artist and a scientist, with bread her art form, her chemistry project.
Liesl's childhood/adolescence/young adulthood was poisoned by (oops! I almost told you and spoiled part of the story for you!!) something, and her relationships suffer due to this. She lives in Vermont and owns an artisan bakery. The book follows Liesl as she lives her regular life, forms relationships, makes bread, experiences sorrow and heartache, and deepens her relationship with God.
A theme throughout the book is bread and its history, science, and much more about bread. I bake bread for our family, but truly I don't know anyone who is as passionate about bread as Liesl! It was very enjoyable to read about someone's passion and how they get to live it.
The book skips back and forth, from Liesl's "current" story to her history to the history of bread -- keeps your mind engaged while you read (!) but I think it's a great balance. I enjoyed the book and definitely would recommend this book!
I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.