I had the chance to review Beverly Lewis's latest Amish fiction book The Fiddler and would now like to pass my book on to someone else! For a chance to win my copy of this book, just 1)become a follower on my blog and 2)leave me a comment on this post. I'll choose the winner next Wednesday (June 20th)! Check back to see if you're the winner! :) Make sure you give me your email or some way to contact you if you are the winner!
And the winner is PAM! Email me with your address and I'll get your book sent out! Watch for more giveaways throughout the summer! Enjoy your reading!! :)
Beverly Lewis, everyone knows her work, right? Truthfully I haven't read much by Beverly Lewis, actually I'm not sure if I've read any! I do know they're Amish stories, but I have no idea why I haven't read them! SO -- the Fiddler --the first book in a new series, Home to Hickory Hollow. It's a friendship then romance between an Amish fellow and a non-Amish woman. It's also a story of parents and their dreams/wishes for their children. It's about almost-grown children and their desire to honor/respect the wishes of their parents while finding their own way as well.
I don't want to give much away about the book. It's a very interesting book to read, enjoyable, with a happy ending :) Now, don't say that happy endings aren't realistic--when I'm reading a fiction book for fun, I want a happy ending!!! The story follows two individuals, Amelia and Michael, both searching, as they move into their "grown up" lives. Yes, it's a romance, a romance between two cultures. It's also a story of a developing friendship. It gives tastes and hints about Amish traditions and family structure. I don't know how accurate it all is, but it's fiction! I'm reading it for pleasure!
The book is an interesting, pretty quick read. I fully enjoyed it. It was predictable, but I do like that also :) (along with happy endings!)
I did not care for the picture on the front -- it looked like a blind girl taking a violin from an Amish boy -- but hey, don't judge a book by its cover, right?! If you're looking for a interesting, good clean story, this is the book for you~ and it's the first book in the series, so there's no "catching up" to do! I would certainly recommend this book!
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.
Going out west? Thinking about checking out Yellowstone and Grand Teton areas? You NEED this book!
I have not had the privilege of visiting either Yellowstone or Grand Teton National Parks, but someday I hope to go! Reading this book (which is filled with great pictures and information about the parks) has increased my interest in visiting and bringing my children with me!
This book is in the True North Series of guidebooks to national parks. Several have been written already. The books are written from a Christian, young-earth perspective. The geology and physical features of the area are explained from a Biblical perspective. Much of what you read elsewhere when looking into the formation of these land features deals with millions of years of processes. To those who subscribe to a Biblical, young-earth (creationist) viewpoint, the millions of years just doesn't jive. Noah's flood, however, does. I was very interested to read the explanations based on God, not millions of years. I also like it when they draw parallels between Mt St Helens and The Flood processes--it puts a much more modern "face" on these erosive formation processes.
The book is a tour guide of sorts, it gives info on what you should see/where you should go/what you should do. It is full of pictures, trivia, and interpretation. The fold-out pages give a clear picture of where things are located (lots of maps and sections of maps!) and speak about the ecology, geology, history, activities available, and much more.
There is a large section in the back entitled "Understanding the Parks" which speaks in more general terms about the parks and the surrounding areas. It touches on The Flood model of formation, geology, the biology/ecology of the area, fossils in the parks, and human history in the area. Also mentioned is how the parks were formed (as national parks).
This book is a great tool, very handy, very user-friendly. I think people of all ages, from children to adults will enjoy this book and learn a lot from it. It is eyecatching, informative, and certainly not boring!! The Biblical viewpoints expressed in it are a refreshing change to those who hold this worldview. I look forward to reading other guides in this series for other national parks as they become available!
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.