Read this book!!! Buy it or borrow it and read it!! Okay, so obviously I liked this book. This book, Hungry for God, is apparently an update of an earlier book of Feinberg’s called God Whispers. I hadn’t read this earlier edition, but I can say that this book is a wonderful book.
From the prologue through to the end of the book, it was an easy, understandable, moving book. As I read it (it was a quick and easy read, too!) I found myself nodding and re-reading sections or marking them for later reference. The only thing I didn’t “get” about the book was the chapter numbers, for instance .001, .002, etc. Huh? But that was just peripheral. No big deal!
Listening to God was the message this book teaches. It gives ideas of how to best listen, how to best hear the Lord speaking, to ME. The author reminds us that God does want to speak to us, and He does want us to understand what He has to say to us. He speaks to us through planting thoughts in our mind, through things we read or hear, through the natural world, through Scripture, etc. He will ensure that we get his message—through reinforcement—for instance sometimes we will get a thought that seems to be from God, and later we may see the same idea written out somewhere, or mentioned in a song or some other way. An interesting concept in the book, which really stood out to me, was the statement, “When all we hear is silence, sometimes God is trumpeting a message to others.” Hmmm.
We are challenged to make time, make space, to listen to God, to be open and searching for His message. This book was a wonderful reminder to be deliberate in our listening for God’s message to us, personally. This message was a timely one for me to read. I very much enjoyed this book, and it is a book I plan to read several more times.
I received a free copy of this book from Zondervan as a part of their blogger review program. I was not required to write a positive review.