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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Amish Christmas at North Star by Cindy Woodsmall, Mindy Starns Clark, Amanda Flower, Katie Ganshert

This book, Amish Christmas at North Star is a collection of four stories about Amish families or connections that occur in or related to the town of North Star. The stories are written by different authors: Cindy Woodsmall, Mindy Starns Clark (and Emily Clark), Amanda Flower, and Katie Ganshert. I have read books by several of those authors before this book, so I was excited to get into this book. I generally like to read stories that are all related, which added to the appeal.

When I received the book, I dove right into it, enjoying the first story (by Katie Ganshert) a lot. The second one, though, for some reason, didn't "click" with me -- I actually put the book down for several days before picking it up to read more. The third was okay, not really compelling either. I did like the fourth one (by Mindy Starns Clark/Emily Clark.

The stories follow a bit in the lives of four individuals who were born the same night, at an Amish birthing center, assisted by the same midwife. They are all stories with a bit of romance, of course, and are good, clean stories, and interesting enough, though 2 are much more interesting than the other two. Though they are all about the same town, the stories didn't intertwine at all.

I guess I'd say that they are a good read, however, two of the four books were just kind of blah. I wouldn't recommend NOT reading the book, but just wanted to say that I was surprised that two of them were not quite pageturners for me.

I received this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.

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