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Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Story Keeper by Lisa Wingate


Phew, got that out of my system! Honestly, The Story Keeper, by Lisa Wingate is an exceptionally wonderful book. It enfolds the stories of actually a few people, addressing things in lives that are emancipating in the end.

This is the story of a mountain girl with a tough past leaving her past, starting a "new" life, only to find it intersecting with her "old" life. The story of a lost manuscript which tells an amazing story from the past. The story of children and adults with no hope. The story of some with hope. I really do not want to give too much information about this book, because it is so wonderful to discover it for yourself in the pages of this book. I will tell you that it is about a book editor named Jen/Jennia and a journey she takes and a story she discovers.

This book is one that you are going to want to read and keep reading. It touches you emotionally and draws you right in to the multi-dramas. It brings up mental struggles in the reader as well, right vs just vs pragmatic, . . .and on.

I think this review is pretty cryptic, huh? :) I will say I really recommend this book. It is a fictional story, but definitely not fluffy :) It's also not hard to read -- you will want to fly right through it! Give it a try! Read it! I highly recommend it!

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.

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