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Friday, August 15, 2014

The StickyFaith Guide for Your Family by Dr. Kara E. Powell

The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family by Dr. Kara E Powell is written for parents and grandparents of children. It is a follow-up to research that has been done and publicized in recent years about how few children that are raised in a Christian home/church will continue in that tradition as they become college-aged and older.

I am a mom of 3 children and we have taken many steps thus far to ensure that our children are building a faith of their own, not just going along for the ride with my husband and me, but I am definitely always interested to hear/read new ideas for further firming this in their lives.

The "sticky faith" terminology is apparently a movement or series of books/etc that I was not familiar with. Not knowing about these beforehand wasn't detrimental to understanding this book, however. I WAS annoyed a bit at first with the terminology "sticky faith" (it seemed to be used so much throughout the book) -- bothered me at first, but by the time I hit the middle it was fine, I guess I got used to it :)

The set-up is that each chapter has a theme, such as mistakes, relationships, connecting, community, grandparents, service, and more. Each chapter is filled with narrative about the given topic, followed by many examples of the practice in action. Each chapter also ends with a ranking of how you are doing on each topic and discussion questions. As far as my personal preference, I don't usually like writing in books, especially ones I might share. So I didn't use those sections, but just read through them (and thought about some of them).

I really enjoyed all the stories about how different families do things that were discussed in the book. It was great pictures of putting into practice these ideas, done by a variety of different families at different life-stages. I felt like there were many examples for many different stages of family growth. Not every idea was new or earth-shattering, but different families do things differently and I bet that most people can find some great ideas and encouragement in the chapters of this book. Reading about life-stages above where we are right now also gave me some things to think about and plan for in the future. The book was also very readable. Nicely written and easy to go right through. I would certainly recommend this book

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review.

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